How to stop procrastinating in 2022 | Shray Bhardwaj Shraybee

Shray Bhardwaj
2 min readFeb 16, 2022



You can waste your time learning as much as you want about self-discipline, motivation, planning, and time management. Still, unless you make what you realize part of your daily routine, habits, thinking patterns, and psychological models, it will be only useless information stored in your memory without ever helping you.

So, what tools can help you eliminate procrastinating?

1) Your own vision
Your own vision is one of the essential tools and certainly helps you understand your skills and priorities; you will never feel lost in what you want to do with your life. Your own vision also enables you to focus on suitable activities and set priorities that will help you to avoid continually switching between actions and thought processes. You need to understand what motivates you, maintain your daily routine & make the maximum of each day.

2) Things to do today
Long to-do lists will never be made, which ends in the start of procrastination. Seeing the long list of tasks can frustrate you so much that you will start having tendencies to give up on them. Things To Do Today’s tool is there to encourage you to get the most important and urgent tasks done every day. It will also help you prioritize the work on your schedule and limit new tasks. With its help, you will manage much more daily, with less stress and tiredness.

3) Habit list
Learning new habits is one of the essentials for personal development. It is pretty standard that if we make a habit of doing something, its implementation requires less mental energy. Learning new practices is very important, but there are several myths about learning new habits. The Habit-list should be based on scientific research about proper planning, learning habits, and tracking, which motivates you in the long run.

4) Me Time Meeting
This tool will help you through Yourself. Me time is time allocated just for you! You can focus on long-term planning and overall retrospective of your personal growth during your meetings. It should be designed to ask yourself how far you have moved forward recently. Consider which direction you would like to head in life and think about improving further.

Use these tools carefully and consistently, and you’ll be able to get out of your comfort zone, negligence zone, and procrastination zone.

If you want to learn more about applying these tools?
Talk to me — request for a call time in DM.

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